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Hold on a second, did I just read that right?
Mika died when they were young?
Shishui just passed away?
I didn't sign up for this emotional rollercoaster!

Please tell me Kuro just lived happily ever. because in the version played by me he sure did not!

WOW, that's a masterpiece!

Interesting story! Highly recommend reading it)

If I could, I would give this story 20/10. Once I started reading it and going through the whole plot, I just couldn't stop -  I had to finish it. It was easy to read and understand, and yet that didn't take away from the overall unsettling atmosphere a good crime story has. I hope we'll read more in the future from this author. Keep up the good work!


I would totally recommend playing DayZ. It's a very fun post-apocaliptic hardcore survival game. Nice storytelling <3

Excellent storytelling, it was gripping read from start to finish.  The plot was well-crafted and kept me guessing until the very end, with plenty of unexpected twists and turns that kept me hooked. The pacing was just right, with plenty of action and suspense to keep the story moving at a fast pace.

Highly recommend this to any crime fans!